Samuel Vriezen (1973) is een van de weinige conceptuele componisten en dichters in Nederland. Daarnaast schrijft hij essays op het gebied van de filosofie, muziek en poëzie en treedt hij regelmatig op als pianist. Hij publiceert in uiteenlopende tijdschriften, organiseert concertreeksen en literaire evenementen, treedt op in verschillende landen van Europa en Amerika en werkt samen met ensembles in Nederland, Duitsland, Canada, de Verenigde Staten en Argentinië. Zijn debuutbundel 4 zinnen verscheen in 2008 bij de Wereldbibliotheek. Vanaf 2011 maakt hij deel uit van het Vlaamse literaire tijdschrift nY.
Three musicians are on stage. Let us say it is a piano trio. They start concentrating, signaling that a performance has started. There is a long silence. Then the cello plays a sound, a simple note on the A string, lasting just a few seconds. Again, a silence – it is hard to tell how long exactly. It could be a minute, it could be many minutes. Then, out of nowhere, a piano note sounds, at the same pitch as the cello note heard before. Silence once more. Then, at some moment, the performers look at one another, and relax. Apparently, the piece is over. The violin has not played at all.
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Sound is at heart full of difference. There is no such thing as a static sound. Even the simplest timbre, a single sine wave without overtones, comes about through differences: the push and pull of air molecules as the soundwave …
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1. De belofte van Muziek Art, and above all, music has a fundamental function, which is to catalyze the sublimation that it can bring about through all means of expression. It must aim through fixations which are landmarks to draw …
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